Hedvig’s growth goals were being constrained by the legacy structure of the website. The goal with this new website was to create a more flexible and natural experience for users and to design for scalability.
1. Discovery - where I conducted user research and formulated insights.
2. Delivery - where I designed wireframes, flows, and worked together with a brand designer on the UI, and created the dev-ready designs.
In the Discovery phase, I conducted 11 interviews with users from our target demographics. From these interviews, I formulated insights about what they need and want when purchasing insurance.
From these user insights and business needs, we created principles that we would follow through the design process.
Collaborating with different experts to identify sub-goals
With the wider team, we identified together the sub-goals of the website, and then mapped these goals to different parts of the website.
Prototyping the pricing experience
I worked with 2 other designers on the whole site. I worked mainly on product detail page and price calculation flows as well as checkout flows.
Final Design
An e-commerce store which offers customers a wide variety of insurances
Bringing the pricing form and information about insurances closer together
Making getting a price quicker and more to the point